May 24th I did it for Dom!

I have procrastinated for a long time.  1996 was the last time I donated blood- It was run by the Red Cross back then. But lately with Dom receiving 3 transfusions, and seeing all the other children with cancer receive transfusions, donating blood has been on my mind a lot lately. A nurse at the clinic informed me they only get approximately 60 donations a day…this is a low figure considering it’s the largest permanent blood donation clinic in Vancouver.  While I was sitting on the chair with the big needle in my wrist I was reminded of how uncomfortable needle pokes can be.  I read a big poster on the wall “are you donating in someone’s honour?” and that about sums it up.    

Dom seems to be really tired lately and nauseated but in good spirits.  The tube we were using to do her injections came out of her leg so easily that I pulled it out with the bandage and didn’t even notice.  It is nice to have a break from the injections.  Last night we were a little stressed out because after Dominique’s bath we found some red looking chicken pox spots on Dominique.  We were going to call the hospital but decided to wait until morning.  This morning the spots disappeared…must have been a weird side effect of the chemo.


May 24th I did it for Dom!
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