July 15th Anxiously awaiting…

Pretty much two more days until the big surgery day…and two more days of maintenance on her CVC (Central line in her chest).  We have to take Dominique to the clinic tomorrow to get some blood work done before the surgery.  We still don’t know the actual time of the surgery and will most likely find this out on Wednesday.

Anyway’s, here are some photos we took of Dominique in the Oncology clinic:

Dominique with our primary nurse Angie
Dominique with our primary nurse Angie
Dominique being hooked up to her chemo (last cycle #4)
Dominique being hooked up to her chemo (last cycle #4)
more of Dominique's favorite nurses Juliana (left) and Christina (right)
more of Dominique’s favorite nurses Juliana (left) and Christina (right)

Time spent in the hospital on that day: zero

July 15th Anxiously awaiting…
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